I’ve never had a cat who stares this much. Ragdolls are something special 😂
Show me your grown up bicolour floofs
I have never been so obsessed!
Show me your mitted Ragdolls
Show me the most recent picture of your Ragdoll (s)
Who else's ragdoll loves to play fetch?
will the love ever stop growing?
Side eye.
He fits? Doesn’t matter he sits
Uncomfortable eye contact
GET 2!!!!!!!!
He has to make sure it’s safe for me!
My kitties are getting more cuddly! I’m so happy!!!
Got him yesterday! Meet Pazu!
Help with Keeping My Ragdoll Kitten Off the Counters (Most of the Time)
My sweet little boy! Show me yours
Do you have a close-up photo of your kitty?
Happy 1st birthday Summit and Wilder!
You might say he’s a little bit obsessed…
5 weeks old to nearly 8 months old
My New Fur Baby!
The dynamic duo. Show me your bonded pairs!
No privacy today!
Show me your blaze kitties 🩵
What are your Ragdoll’s favorite toys? Mine gets bored of everything.