Just started RHONY 🍎🗽
Updates were made to Brian Peck’s close friend, Kimmy Robertson, Wiki page
Mike’s Facebook post
Farrah with Simon
Anyone else have second hand embarrassment watching Brock and Scheana fight in a store?
This absolute “hero”
Babs giving Jenelle the finger at court 🤣
What happened?
Jenelle is a worse parent than David
This can’t seriously be a real picture can it?🤣
At this point someone should just make a Janelle Snark subReddit
Ladies of r/DunderMifflin, next time you’re in the shower you should check yourself out. You know, give yourself an exam.
Why didn’t they bring Bob to fill the Manager role in Season 8? I feel it would have saved the show
Danielle Staub
Why are Pam and Jim arguing in superfan season 7 episode 4(Sex Ed)
What other clips from TeenMom would be as iconic as this ?
With your bOyFrIeNdddddd
this whole scene made me feel awkward , anybody else remember this ? season 8 ep 15
yeah, what he said!
jenni or nicole?
Can you do LSD 2 days in a row!?!?