Is there a reason we don't have a Dokkan fest or an LR of this guy?
[Gen 7] recently got back into hunting and got these few this week
Ladies and gentleman Im glad to announce that I'm not giving up
Fought the same fake nano twice!
I've been doing some arts & craft 😵💫
I don't get it
What’s wrong with this guy uh
So why are ppl so hyped w this unit? Just to know.
[Weekly Questions Thread] 17 March 2025
New pickups. There is still so many games in the 3DS library that I am yet to try. long live the 3DS!
Current favourite teams to run
Tips for someone new who wants to hunt shiny
Is Beast Gohan still worth in my team?
Should i coin him?
Berserk reference??
This unit’s so fire fr 🔥
Wtf when did this guy start hitting so hard
Returning player: are these ok in today's meta?
De pana.
Sobre el Lectio Divinitatus.
I just started playing this game like an hour ago, what should I expect?
Gotta delete Dokkan, goodbye guys! Takes up too much space and I only have 64 Gbs. It was fun while it lasted.
Best rotation is the game?